Patrick is 7 weeks old and growing so fast! He gained a pound this past week!
Look at that belly!
Wishing he could go to steeplechase with Dad
So precious! The gown was made by Jenny Camp and looks so cute on him!
Big smile!
He is starting to love bath time!

Even though he hates it, we have started trying to give Patrick formula in a bottle a few times a week to get him used to the taste. We have been trying to trick him a little and will mix it up between milk and formula. But Patrick is a smart little guy and each time he takes a bottle he takes a few sips and if its formula he quits eating and cries. Patrick has also decided that he will only take a bottle from someone he is comfortable with. The only people he seems comfortable taking a bottle from are Michael, Aunt Megan and Nana (Michael's mom). My mom hasn't tried to give him a bottle yet, but i'm crossing my fingers he will take one from her too! Little guy is quite stubborn! We are definitely going to have to work on this!
Patrick is making the big move from the bassinet to the crib tonight. I think he might have an easier time with it than me. I have a feeling I won't get any sleep and will just be staring at the monitor all night :)