Patrick is 4 months old! He is getting so big!
We had our doctor's appointment today and he weighs 13 pounds, 6 ounces (25%), is 25 1/2 inches long (60%) and his head circumference is 15%. His weight is the same percentile as his last doctor's appointment, but he his climbing in length! We can start rice cereal now, so i'm sure there will be some funny pictures coming in the future!
Some little tidbits about Patrick at 4 months...
He is a sporadic sleeper. One night he will sleep 8 hours straight and the next night he will sleep in 3 hour increments. I am dreading those nights when I am back at work and he is waking up every 3 hours! Lately, he has decided that he wants to wake up at 1 or 2 am and giggle in his crib. No idea what he is giggling about but it is so funny! I normally end up going in there just because I love his little face when he sees me.
We have a SIDS monitor under Patrick's mattress and it went off the other night around 3 am. The monitor sounds an alarm if it doesn't detect him breathing for 20 seconds, which if you think about it is a long time! I freaked out and ran in Patrick's room. Sure enough Patrick was stretching and holding his breath. Glad to know it works but hope he doesn't do that again!
He also loves practicing to stand while we are holding him. Its really the only thing he wants to do all day. He thinks its so funny to stomp his feet. He still hates tummy time and riding in the car. He loves bath time and when I sing him to sleep. He is a little bit bashful. In the morning we sit with Michael while he is getting ready and Michael will smile or make a funny face at Patrick. Patrick giggles and quickly buries his head on me and then slowly peeks back up to see if Michael is still looking at him. It's adorable! He is just such a sweet baby!
Below are some pictures from the last week:
Grumps birthday dinner
Hanging with Uncle Mark
Sleeping with Nana. This is his favorite sleeping position. He always has a hand above his head or propped up on his cheek :)
Playing with Great Grandma Mulloy
We did lots of swimming this past weekend, since the water in our pool is warm. I'm so glad he likes the water! Most of the pictures are a little hazy from the humidity, but below are a few.
Patrick loves "jumping in" the pool with dad. He gets a surprised look on his face every time
So funny when dad blows bubbles in the water

Chilling with dad in the pool. Look at those cheeks! I swear they are getting bigger by the minute!