Wow! Only one more month until my little baby turns 1! I can't believe he is growing up so fast! I got a little carried away during his 11 month photo shoot. Sorry for the picture overload!
He is walking like crazy now! In fact he is almost running! It took him less than two weeks after he took his first steps to walk 25+ steps. He is still wobbly, but can pretty much walk wherever he wants to go and can turn directions too (i.e. in a circle)! His favorite activity is to chase Bailey around the house. He starts to try and run after her, but then gets going too fast and face plants. He is a dare devil for sure! He has absolutely no fear of falling on his face, which is why he normally comes home from daycare with bumps and bruises on his head. He also likes to walk really fast towards the pillow pet (basically just a big dog shaped pillow) and dive onto it. He started doing this less than a week after taking his first steps. I'll try to capture a video so you can see the little dare devil in action. He also loves to climb over things and land on his head! It's pretty funny!

Patrick is also waving now. He loves to wave at people and Turk and Bailey, but also waves at pictures of elmo. The other morning I dropped him off at Margaret's and he walked right up to one of the girl's and stuck his hand in her face waving really close to her face. She giggled and Patrick giggled back at her, then they touched each other's faces giggling the whole time. It was hysterical!
We are still working on table food. Patrick really isn't fond of table food at all. He only likes bread, puffs, yogurt melts, yogurt, applesauce, cheerios and pesto grilled cheese sandwiches. He also likes to suck the juice out of the fruit I give him and then spit it back out. He does not like any kind of meat or vegetables. Hopefully he will get the hang of it this month.
We have regressed in sleeping as well. I assume he is having trouble sleeping because he has been so sick with RSV and his little brain is working hard to figure out how to walk. In the past month, he has only slept through the night once and normally gets up a couple of times a night. I thought we had really hit a milestone with sleeping last month. I guess we will continue to work on it!
Patrick still has 7 teeth, so no new teeth this month, but I think a new one is about to come within the next couple of days.
His favorite toys are books, his walkers, his car, and singing elmo. He loves to turn pages ofbooks (and eat them too). He still really loves walking with his walker. I think its because he can go so much faster holding on to it. He loves the theme song to Sesame Street and especially the Elmo's world section. He stops whatever he is doing to dance and watch it.
He is still a stubborn little one and throws a fit when he doesn't get what he wants. He is OBSESSED with remote controllers and cell phones. If he sees one within reach, he quickly makes his way towards it to grab it. He throws a huge fit if you take it away from him.
Here is a picture of him guarding my phone so I won't take it from him
He has become a little joy in the car lately. For his first 7 or 8 months, he hated the car with a passion, but now he rides and talks to us the whole time. We just switched from the infant carrier this weekend. He still fits in it since he is such a tiny little guy, but I think he will like sitting up a little higher.
He used to be a momma's boy, but is now quickly becoming a daddy's boy. He cries so hard when Michael hands him to me to leave for work. Michael has been working a lot lately, so that could have something to do with it. He sure does love playing with his daddy! Daddy is a lot more rough than I am, so Patrick thinks its a lot more fun :)
When he went to the doctor last week, he weighed 18 pounds, 8 ounces. He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes for length because his torso is really long, but the clothes all swallow him. His waist is skinny and his legs are short, so he can still wear 3-6 month in shorts/swimsuits.
He finished up his first round of swim lessons this weekend. He did so great in the water! He can almost pull out of the pool all by himself. He needs a little help pulling his leg up, but he can pull his whole torso up by himself. He doesn't cry when he goes under water. He doesn't like to lay on his back in the water, but he is getting more comfortable with it. I am so proud of how far he has come since the first lesson where he cried the whole time!
Patrick loves playing with his tongue, so most the pictures I have this month he is sticking his tongue out
Patrick is so much fun lately and has been getting into everything! He is so happy and just giggles all the time! I am so lucky to be his mom!