It was a rough Thanksgiving for my little buddy this year. We started out the weekend with a chili night with a couple friends and Michael's brothers. Patrick's friend, Michael Sechrist, came over to play and he and Patrick had the best time. They chased each other around the upstairs and played with trucks. They were too cute!
About an hour after Michael Sechrist left, Patrick crawled up on daddy's lap and started whining. He felt a little hot so I took his temperature and it was 100.1. Not too high, but high enough to make him feel bad. Patrick had a small cough, but no runny nose. An hour or so later Patrick started coughing so hard he threw up. He didn't sleep at all that night or for the next few days. Unfortunately, motrin and tylenol do not make my little guy sleepy. Not much does :) Michael was so great and stayed up with Patrick almost every night. I get really sick when I don't get enough sleep while I am pregnant, so I was really thankful that Michael stayed up with him!
When I went to relieve Michael at 6am on Thanksgiving, I took Patrick's temperature and it was 102.5. Michael and I were both surprised because the past couple of days Patrick had been feeling so much better! This came out of nowhere!! The poor little guy was miserable! Thanksgiving morning, Patrick and I laid on the couch and watched t.v. for about 3 hours, since it's all he wanted to do. I had planned to take Patrick to watch Michael play in the turkey bowl (his annual high school football pick-up game), but he just wasn't feeling up to it.
We had plans to eat at Nana and Grumps house at 1 pm, so I thought I would try and get Patrick down for a nap before lunch. No such luck! He was in no mood to go to Nana and Grumps house, but Michael and I were both in the mood for some good Thanksgiving food so we tried to bring him along. He was miserable and didn't eat a thing! We had to leave after lunch because he was feeling so bad. Unfortunately, we also had to bail on going to my Aunt's lake house because Patrick was feeling so crummy!

It was sort of a depressing Thanksgiving with a crying, miserable baby this year! We haven't had many days where Patrick has been himself this month since he has been sick with anemia, ear infections and viruses. However, it does make me very thankful for the days that I do have a healthy, happy baby! I really do have a lot to be thankful for this year! Most of all a wonderful family! Wish we could have celebrated with them more this year, but that's how life goes with a sick kid and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I couldn't let Thanksgiving go by without trying to get one family picture, even if it is a picture with a sick little boy and a very tired husband!
I was laughing at Michael in this picture, not laughing that my little boy doesn't feel good
Can you tell how bad Patrick feels? Poor guy!