Peyton's first birthday party was this Saturday. The theme was a Cookies and Milk party. I decided on the theme for Peyton's party a couple months ago, so it was really ironic when we found out that he has a milk intolerance the week before. It was too late to change the theme of the party, so we just went with it! Peyton enjoyed his almond milk just as much!
I had so much fun decorating for this party. Unfortunately, it rained all day so we had the party inside. But, it made my day when Peyton woke up and stared at all of the decorations in amazement. He kept pointing at everything really excitedly and saying "da da" "ba ba." He went around to each decoration and pointed to it and commented on it. It was precious and I wish I had it on video!
Peyton's Cookie Shoppe
I had a lot of help setting up for the party. Sharon and Michael helped me set up the night before and my mom helped with the sign.
Birthday boy's high chair
This little boy LOVES balloons. Pretty sure he played with balloons his entire party
Peyton loved hanging out with Margaret and Gigi at his party
Giggles with cookie monster
Ready for cake!
Best family picture we could get
I thought Peyton would dig into his cake but just like Patrick, he barely ate any of it. He did smear his hands a little bit in it though
This is the same outfit big brother Patrick wore for his first birthday. It was really sweet they could wear the same outfit.
Playing trains with Harper
Peyton hugged on Charlie the entire time at his party. These two are best buds at Margaret's house!
Unfortunately Patrick had a really hard time with Peyton being the center of attention. So this is what I did for most of the party.
Sweet little Peyton cuddling after the party
A few pictures with my little buddy after the party. If you are wondering why he is wearing a different outfit, its because his outfit arrived at the end of the party (typical!).
I didn't get a picture with my boys during the party, so I tried to get one afterwards and this is what occured.
Not much better, but at least neither of them are crying :)
They both LOVE Oreos. I hate oreos, so I was a little surprised!
Little hands in the cookie jar
Any more oreos in there?
Well at least he had fun with the oreos since he wouldn't eat his cake!
Such a fun day celebrating my sweet little Peyton! Happy Birthday Peyton!
Party Details:
Cookie Jar
Brown Striped Paper Straws
Blue and White Striped Straws
Polka Dot Balloons
Wood Framed Chalk Board
Blue Fluffy Tissue Balls
Cookie Monster Printables
Big Brother Chevron Custom Shirt
Favor bags- Party city