My precious little Conor is 8 Months old
It has been a big month for this little guy. He started consistently sitting up and crawling this month and has been on the go ever since. He is such a little joy! He has also been teething big time this month!
The boys just love this baby to pieces. They cheer when he wakes up and run to his room to see who can be the first to see him. Adorable!
Laughing at brothers
Learning how to crawl
Loves being wherever the big boys are and just kicking around laughing at them
Still not the best sleeper, but I think it has been because of the teeth. He is working on his top two teeth and I can see them trying to poke through the gums.
Love from big brother Peyton
This baby is never without a big brother to entertain him
These baby features just melt my heart. I wish he would stay like this forever.
Selfie with my precious baby
He still loves to eat, but still isn't fond of most fruits. His favorite foods are applesauce, sweet potatoes and bananas. He also started eating the baby food crunchies this month and he adores them. He bangs his hands on his high chair for me to give him more. Definitely going to be a big eater!
Our little photo shoot was pretty tough this month! He does not want to sit still in one place!
Love this precious baby!!