She absolutely loves attention. Like screams bloody murder if you put her down to do something that doesn't involve smiling at her. She is a great baby if you talk to her and smile at her though. I have a pretty good crew of helpers that can help me interact with her whenever I need to do something around the house.
She also loves to kick her legs. She pretty much kicks constantly. I assume she will be an early walker like the boys.

Peyton captured this early morning, messy hair picture with my two littlest ones. Real life at it's finest.
Conor is so protective of Caitie. He doesn't even let anyone look at her when we are out in public. Such a sweet big brother.
After school cuddles
Wearing the gown that all her big brothers wore
Nap time
After bath...those little baby rolls are my favorite

Why would you ever have tummy time on the floor when you can chat with mom?

I mean seriously, she is so darn CUTE!

Lunch out with mom and dad

This is her favorite spot to sit and chat. I have my coffee every morning with her in this spot cooing and smiling away at me. I'm going to hate it when she outgrows this spot!

Fell asleep holding onto big brother

We spend lots of time in the car waiting on brothers
Being eaten by a dinosaur is common place around here :)
We have so many people to hold her, she rarely takes a nap by herself :)
It was a very cold our fleece polar outfit from aunt Callie was a staple.
Meeting Gnash for the first time
We love you Caitie! You are so precious to all of us!