My precious little Caitie is 4 months old!
We had her 4 month well visit and she weighed 12 pounds, 5 ounces (15%), was 24 1/2 inches (52%) and he head circumference was 15 3/4 (40%). Patrick was our smallest at 4 months, but Caitie is a tiny little peanut. She is a over a pound smaller than Patrick was and almost 5 pounds smaller than the other two!
Sweet little girl has definitely regressed in her sleeping. I remember this very clearly with the boys. They all regressed right when I was going back to work.
Sweet little girl has definitely regressed in her sleeping. I remember this very clearly with the boys. They all regressed right when I was going back to work.
Caitie was only waking up once or twice, but now she is waking up multiple times. I don't think she is hungry when she wakes up...she is just a major cuddler. The pediatrician always tells me that I can let them work it out on their own starting at 4 months, but I just can't handle it. How can I say no to a precious little baby that wants to cuddle a few minutes during the night?!? They are only little once!
She has found her feet and loves them.
She is so animated and SO smiley. She reminds me a lot of how animated Peyton was at this age. She just lights up whenever you smile at her. It's my favorite!
She chews on her hand/fist constantly. She hates a pacifier. She really loves her teething toys.
She's a little bit bashful
Love all her faces
She went to her first Sounds game this month. Although it's probably her 50th baseball game. She is just so good whenever we take her places. She thrives on all the action.
Those cheeks!
We went to the Great Wolf Lodge on our way to the beach. Sweet little girl loves watching her brothers play in the water.
She went on her First Beach Trip with the Clancy family. She loved every minute. There were multiple people there to hold her, so I don't think she cried once.
Testing out the pool at the beach
Proud big brothers
Twinning in our Lilly
Testing out the water with daddy. She is so serious when she is in the pool. She didn't crack a smile, but kicked up a storm.
I cannot even handle her cuteness!
First time her toes are in the sand. She was mesmerized.
Pool naps are the best
Watermelon swimsuits
She visited Daddy's office and watched the boat race
She went to the Lake for the first time. This is the infant life vest. She's a tiny little baby.
The boat makes her a little nervous. Her sweet little heart starts beating a little faster and she clings to me when it starts moving.

She has not started rolling over and has no interest in rolling over. I'm perfectly fine with her staying put for now!
Seriously the cutest. I feel like the time is flying extra fast with her!
Father's Day
Her second movie. She was a little bit loud during this movie. She is teething, so she was making all kinds of crazy noises. We might have to leave her at home for the next one.
She was amazed. Her eyes were so wide during the whole movie.
Conor is so in love with her. Whenever I put her on the ground to kick around, he goes and sits right next to her so she isn't lonely. He loves to give her kisses. He hates to hear her cry and says "oohh!"
She went to the splash park for the first time
Caitie sandwich