Our sweet little girl is 1! This year has flown by. We are so busy with the boys that sweet little Caitie gets dragged around to a lot of places. She is such a fun baby and goes with the flow. I just love having a little girl with a big bow toddling around the house.
We sang happy birthday to her as soon as she woke up. The boys were so excited for her birthday. A few blurry pictures of my little ones, since I can't get any of them to sit still.
Conor insisted on wearing his birthday hat for his little sister's birthday.
We headed to speech therapy with Conor in the morning.
After speech therapy, we decided to celebrate her birthday with a last minute family party that night. We canceled Patrick's feeding therapy and put together a party very quickly. Only Michael's parents were able to make it to the party. It was small and we had such a great time celebrating our sweet girl.
After school we headed to publix to pick up a smash cake. Caitie enjoyed a birthday cookie.
The kids help me set up her smash cake background after school.
Love my little ones
My precious family
Love this sweet little angel
She refused to sit on the ground with the cake. So, we moved her to her high chair to see if we would have better luck with smashing the cake.
She loved it. And she is my only child to actually smash a cake!
Just love her sweet smile
Attempting to get a selfie with my girl.

Love you beautiful Caitie! Happy Birthday!