We had a few weekends in a row of tournaments. It was a lot for the little kids, but they were definitely troopers! One of the tournaments was delayed for rain, so our second game of the day ended at 11:30pm. The poor little ones were exhausted!
Nap time after a HOT game during the middle of the day!
Patrick seemed to catch on really quickly to hitting the machine. He was the lead off batter and got a bat on the ball every time he was up to the plate. He played really well and I was really proud of him.
We had a tough couple of tournaments and lost pretty badly. But by the state tournament we had really caught on to hitting on the machine. In the state tournament we were playing for 3rd place and were down by 10 runs after the first couple of innings. We came back and won the game. It was an amazing game and I was so proud of the boys.
Way to go boys!!
The all star tournaments were definitely a lot, but the boys had a blast and we had a few fun adult moments in between as well :)