I have officially entered into the third trimester! yay! We had our 28 week appointment today and the doctor thought everything looked and measured great! So that's good news. I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, which is a big change. Below is a 28 week bump picture.

Every year the church asks someone who was born in each year since 1973 (when abortion became legal) to represent that year. The ceremony is a celebration of life and its a really sweet ceremony. Michael was asked to represent the year 1983 and I was asked to represent the year 2011 on behalf of baby Patrick this week at church. We all line up in order and walk down the aisle with a lit candle. I went last and it was really cute to walk behind all the little ones that were born in recent years. It was an honor to be asked and such a precious ceremony.
Also, Patrick's baby furniture came in! It's all still in boxes, so Michael has a big job ahead of him setting it all up. Hopefully, i'll get a picture of his room up soon!
Yay 3rd trimester and baby furniture!! All so exciting! You look great :)