I'm 34 weeks, so only 6 more weeks to go! I had my 34 week appointment and everything looked great. My blood pressure was back down to normal, so all of the resting this weekend must have worked!
My sister is moving to Knoxville today and I just realized that Patrick's 2 aunts and 2 uncles [or 3 uncles after May 21st :)] will all be living in Knoxville next year. I guess that just means we will have to visit Knoxville more frequently!
Not much else to report on the baby front. Everyone had told me that it starts to go really quickly towards the end, but I quietly thought to myself, yeah right... pregnancy lasts forever! But, they were so right. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed about getting everything done before he arrives! With busy season, junior league, RCIA, two very needy dogs and other fun spring events, I just can't seem to find enough time in the day! I had heard that dogs can kind of sense things changing and I thought that it was kind of bogus, but Turk and Bailey have been so needy lately i'm starting to think otherwise. It might just be because they aren't getting as much attention as normal, but every time I move from one room to the other I turn around and see these two sweet faces staring back at me.

Michael and I have been referring to them as our two little shadows, because they have been attached at the hip with us!
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