Patrick had his 2 week doctor appointment today and he now weighs 7 pounds, 1 ounce and is 20 inches long. The doctor said that the best case scenario is for Patrick to gain a 1/2 an ounce to 1 ounce per day since his last appointment. Patrick has gained exactly 1 ounce a day since the last appointment! We refer to him as our little piglet, since he likes to eat so much :) He is 15-20% in weight, 25% in height and 15-20% in head circumference. So he is very proportional, but still on the small side. I have no doubt he will catch up soon!
As far as sleeping goes, Patrick is definitely a night owl and barely sleeps at night. The doctor thinks he is having some stomach issues and asked me to cut out all dairy and if that doesn't work to also cut out all caffeine too. Yikes!!! I feel sorry for Michael since that will definitely make me a nightmare to live with!
Patrick also has 2 bumps on his head from his birth. The bump on the left side of his head has been getting smaller, but the bump on the right has gotten bigger since his birth. The doctor looked at it today and had some concerns. He scheduled Patrick to have an ultrasound of his brain/head at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital on Wednesday. He said it is just a precaution since Patrick is a happy baby and is eating well. I'm trying not to stress over it since the doctor said its just a precaution, but its still scary to have your 3 week old have an ultrasound of his brain :(
Patrick is also starting to be more alert and awake for longer periods of time. He still has lots of hair and it seems to be getting lighter, which I love. He had his first bottle last night and gulped it down and wanted more. I'm not sure why I was concerned about him taking a bottle, maybe it is because I had heard some stories about children not taking bottles. I'm pretty sure my little guy is so hungry he will eat out of any bottle!
I just realized that I have barely taken any pictures of Patrick this week! I guess I have been so sleep deprived I have forgotten. Patrick had his first cookout outside this weekend since it was such beautiful weather and unfortunately I forgot to get a picture. Below are a couple of pictures of him sleeping, since that's really the only time I can actually get a picture of him. So peaceful...

I just realized that I have barely taken any pictures of Patrick this week! I guess I have been so sleep deprived I have forgotten. Patrick had his first cookout outside this weekend since it was such beautiful weather and unfortunately I forgot to get a picture. Below are a couple of pictures of him sleeping, since that's really the only time I can actually get a picture of him. So peaceful...
It cracks me up how much he looks like Michael when he sleeps!
I also got out for the first time since having Patrick to go to Megan's bachelorette party!

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