Patrick is 9 weeks old and slept his first 6 hour stretch! Way to go lil buddy! He hasn't continued this trend, but maybe I can start to hope for a little more of the 6 hour stretches instead of the usual 3 hours! He has also really started to get into his mobiles. I can finally put him in his swing or on his playmat for a few minutes without him screaming. He actually really enjoys it. He smiles, kicks hard and has started trying to reach for the mobiles. It's pretty funny. I'll try and post a video of it soon.
Michael's 10 year reunion was this past weekend. They made videos when they were seniors about where they thought they would be in 10 years. Michael said that he thought he would be an accountant, married, and have 2 kids. Pretty close!
Reunion after-party at Corner Pub
Eating lunch with dad on his 28th birthday!
Smiling at Nana and Megan

My sweet little sleeping baby

I just want to eat him up!
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