We had a fun but very exhausting Labor Day Weekend. Not because we did very much, but because Patrick barely napped Friday, Saturday and Sunday and did not sleep very much at night at all. Surprisingly he was not cranky but so happy and just wanted to play constantly. I'm surprised at how much energy this child has even when he takes no naps! He does not want to sit still and just wants to bounce all day long. Below is a video of Michael and I really late on Sunday night hoping Patrick will go to bed soon. I was attempting to rock him and pat him to sleep but as you can tell he just wants to play and is showing no signs of slowing down. We gave up and just let him squeal for a couple more hours. Excuse my appearance in this video as it is very late and I am pretty tired :)
As you hear in the video, he has started doing this crazy squeal/scream when he is excited. He tries to get so high pitched that no sound comes out half of the time. I think it sounds like some kind of crazy bird. He has started doing this in restaurants which can be pretty embarrassing. I guess I really have no room to complain... it's loud, but at least it's a happy loud! He could be crying instead, so I consider us pretty lucky!
He also watched his first UT and Auburn games. When I came home from running errands, Patrick was wearing a UT jersey. I didn't even try to put him in anything Auburn for the first football weekend. Maybe I will try and beat Michael to it next weekend :)

Michael's excitement wore him out!

On Sunday night I helped host a baby shower for Neel, one of my good friends from high school. She is having her second girl, baby Hayes. It was so much fun to catch up with everyone.
The beautiful decorations at Jenny Camp's house
While I was at the shower, Michael and Patrick had a boys night. I had no idea what they would do, but Michael sent me this picture of Patrick helping him with his fantasy football draft. Haha
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