On Thursday night there was a shrimp boil, which was so good! Unfortunately the family pic was too dark and didn't turn out. However, I did get a good one of Michael and Patrick. Look at that view!
Then the lingerie shower

On Friday we had the bridesmaid's luncheon, which was so yummy!
Auburn girls before the luncheon

On Friday night was the rehearsal dinner which was at a really cute little restaurant. My parents came in town to go to the wedding and watch Patrick on Friday night so we could go to the rehearsal dinner.
All of the bridesmaids with the bride
The lady taking the picture wanted us to do a prom pose, which we were not thrilled about. Unfortunately it was the only pic I got of the three of us, so I had to post this cheesy picture.
And finally the wedding was on Saturday! Everything was so beautiful! The ceremony was at an outside church on the lake and the reception was at an adorable restaurant.
The happy couple
The weather was perfect, so we sat outside and listened to the band all night
Patrick has learned how to suck on his thumb.
With the beautiful bride
Attempt #1 at a family pic
Hanging out with Big and Allie. Patrick was amazed by all the lights, so getting him to look at the camera was impossible
On Saturday, Michael kept Patrick all day while I helped the bride get ready and take pictures. Unfortunately, it was a rough day for both of them because Patrick got his first tooth that day! Patrick ended up crying for most of the day because his teeth hurt so bad. We were glad to get back to Nashville on Sunday so Patrick could get back into his routine!
Wedding weekend celebrations seems to be quite unique. I am looking for some extraordinary NYC wedding venues for my cousin's engagement next month. Have heard about their affordable prices and awesome interior from my colleague. Will finalize one after discussing them with my aunt.