The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sick, Sick, Sick

I typed this post last week, but for some reason it never posted!  So, this post is from last week and an update about Patrick this week is at the bottom!  We are doing so much better this week and I am so thankful for that!

We had a rough week in the Mulloy household!  Patrick was  really sick and he really struggled with sleeping, eating and playing!  We came back from vacation on Saturday afternoon and Patrick did okay on Saturday and slept through the night, but woke up on Sunday with his eye swollen shut.  I called the Dr. who said it was probably an allergic reaction to the pollen and told me to give him some Benadryl to see if it helped.  Luckily, it did help the swelling go down, but the next day the problems got worse.  Patrick was up all night and was extremely clingy!  At first I thought it was because he missed us, but on Monday morning he wouldn't play, eat or sleep and was crying hysterically.  I called the Dr. and made the first appointment available which happened to be at 2pm.  It was a rough morning and Patrick cried for the majority of it!  When we got to the doctor's office, he said that Patrick had two really bad ear infections, an allergic reaction to pollen (which caused swollen red eyes, runny nose and cough) and extremely swollen gums from 4 molars coming in at the same time.  Yikes!!  It's never good when your pediatrician tells you that he isn't surprised that Patrick cried all morning, because "this little boy has a lot to cry about right now."  We are trying a new ear medication, so I am praying this one works!  It was not a fun day, especially being the day back from vacation!  Patrick normally hates to be still during the day, but he felt so bad he didn't want to play and we just cuddled between him crying all day.  I made a funny face and it just so happens that I caught the only smile all day.

I couldn't take another day off of work, so Tuesday was Michael's day.  He felt that Patrick was feeling well enough to go to daycare in the morning since he wasn't contagious.  However, Margaret called and said he was fine before his morning nap, but when he woke up he started crying and was inconsolable.  So Michael picked him up and hung with him until he had to leave to go to the airport to go out of town for work.  Michael's mom watched Patrick for an hour and then my dad watched him for an hour until I could get home.  It was a full team effort!  Patrick was not happy Tuesday night when I got home (during what people normally refer to as "witching hour" which normally doesn't apply to Patrick).  He barely slept Tuesday night, so I expected to have to stay home with him Wednesday.  However, when he woke up on Wednesday he was running around playing, so I took him to daycare on Wednesday.  He did great during the day, so I thought we were crossing the hurdle!  Ummm...not so much.  I had a tough time getting Patrick to go to sleep Wednesday night.  He finally ended up falling asleep curled up to me in my bed at 10:30pm.  I moved him to his bed around 11:00pm.  I knew it was coming, but around 11pm, Bailey got really sick.  I knew she was sick since she was super clingy (yes both the dog and Patrick were clingy!) and her stomach was making all kinds of noises.  I finally got in bed around 12:30am and fell asleep shortly after, only to be woken up at 1am by Patrick having a screaming FIT!  He pretty much screamed until 2:30am.  I was frustrated and already sleep-deprived from the past two nights.  I finally got him to calm down by watching episode after episode of Elmo's world, which we watched til about 3:30am when he finally fell asleep. I was so thankful when Michael came home on Thursday night.  Patrick really only  wants me when he is sick, but its nice to have someone there with you to at least feel your pain! What can I say....when it rains it pours in our house!

Poor little guy and his hurting teeth!

I have also really struggled with being a working mom lately.  It's a struggle that I go through every day, but have really been going through it lately.  I think I have really been struggling because I know that if Patrick has a couple more ear infections that tubes are in his future.  I know it will be ok, but i'm already stressed out about the idea of it.  Every single one of the working mom's children I work with have tubes in their ears.  It's just a reality of your child being in day care so much.  I can't hibernate with him when I see that he is getting sick, because I would miss 50% of the time I am supposed to be working.  As soon as Patrick starts to get a runny nose and cough, I know that he is about to get an ear infection; but what can I do about it... absolutely nothing and that frustrates me! 

Prayers for no more ear infections would be greatly appreciated not only for Patrick, but for me as well since being a sleep deprived zombie at work is getting pretty old!

Update:  I typed this at work during my lunch break last week and I had it scheduled to post, but for some reason it never did.  Patrick is feeling so much better this week.  He is still waking up at 4am every morning, but Michael hasn't had a busy schedule this week and has been getting up with him and playing at 4am, which I am really thankful for!   I am also really thankful that Patrick is feeling so much better.  Now if we could just get rid of the chronic runny nose, cough and his teeth would hurry and come in, we would be perfect :) 

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