The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, September 24, 2012

Patrick- 17 Months

Well I am a little late on this post, but Patrick made some big leaps this month.  He got four more teeth, so it was a rough month for this little guy.  Teeth really bother him, so there wasn't that much sleeping last month. He only has 4 more teeth to go which are his two year molars.  I am definitely dreading those teeth!  Hopefully we have a little while longer.

Patrick is still a picky eater.  His favorite things to eat are grapes, watermelon, yogurt, goldfish and MILK.  Lots and lots of milk.

He LOVES cars and trains.  He carries his cars and trains around with him all the time while constantly saying choo choo and racing his cars across a table or chair.  He takes at least two cars to Margaret's every day and she says he doesn't put them down the whole day.  Patrick normally eats with a car on his highchair too.

Patrick has known his body parts for a little while now, but he is really loving a book that we got recently that talks about ears, nose, toes, etc.  He loves for me to read it to him while he points out everything on both of us.

He is such a cuddler and loves to cuddle!  But he also loves to play really rough and bounce all over the place!  I swear he has more energy than any child I have ever seen!  He is still really into climbing on everything! 

Mom, no more pictures please!

Playing with daddy

Patrick thinks Michael is so funny and just giggles at everything he does.  Patrick used to be a momma's boy, but he is quickly becoming a daddy's boy.  He still wants mom whenever he falls down or at night time, but every other time he wants daddy to be holding him and playing with him.  Michael and Patrick play really rough together, which is Patrick's favorite!

I just love this little guy and his precious smile!

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