The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Patrick's 2 Year Appointment

Patrick had his 2 year appointment last Friday.  He weighs 25 pounds, 8 ounces (20%), is 35 inches tall (70%) and his head circumference is 55%. He is still tall and lean. We also had his iron levels checked again and it was 11.4. The minimum normal level for a 2 year old is 11.5. They checked him twice just to be sure, but got 11.4 both close! They will check it again at his 3 year appointment since it is below normal and he is still technically anemic. It is a vast improvement from his 18 month appointment! Patrick was a champ at the appointment. No crying when they pricked his fingers and he didn't kick and scream when they checked his ears like all of the previous appointments. He did keep asking to "go in Momma car" and "go drive Momma car"(i.e. get me out of here!).

I just took Patrick to the appointment so I could focus on him and ask the doctor a bunch of questions. Even though it was just a doctor's appointment it was nice to be able to focus on just my big boy! He doesn't normally like sweets, but when I asked him if he wanted to get ice cream afterwards he got so excited. I think he really enjoyed my full attention too.

Patrick is doing great in his big boy bed. The baby does occasionally wake him up, but he normally goes right back to bed. We have also been going to the park almost every day after school to wear him out which I think is really helping. My dad has also really helped out by taking him on the days we are pretty tired. He loves going to the park with Big!

Swinging at the park with Dad

He is still a terrible eater. His diet pretty much consists of hot dogs, yogurt, cheese crackers, fruit snacks and milk. I talked to the doctor for a while about what to do about his eating and he had a few suggestions all of which are going to be very very difficult! The doctor commented that Patrick seems to be a very stubborn child so we will have to be very consistent. I'm not sure I am ready for that with a new baby, so we might hold off until we get in a normal routine!

Patrick is also doing great with Peyton. He loves to "carry baby" and asks "where baby"is a lot. Peyton is a loud screamer and Patrick loves to say "baby crying" over and over. I think he is trying to tell me to make Peyton stop crying, but it doesn't quite work like that! Patrick has also developed a really shrill scream. I think it's in response to Peyton crying so much and Patrick wanting to be louder. We are working on it, but it isn't going so well. Hopefully he quits soon and gives my ears (and constant headache) a rest!

Love my big boy and I am going to work on scheduling some more one on one time with him soon!

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