I cannot believe Patrick is already 2 and a half years old! Where has the time gone!?!
Patrick is so talkative right now! It is so fun to watch him learn new words and try and repeat sentences, etc. He is constantly repeating everything we say! He is also really funny and says some really funny things! His current favorite phrase is "Oh Myyy," which he says about 50 times a day. He also loves to ask Peyton "Watchu talkin bout baby?" He also still calls his school "Choo choo playground" because there is a train shaped play area on the playground.
He loves to read books right now. He gets excited about the books he picks out in his school library. He is doing really well in school and although I don't know his friends yet, he talks about Brae, Campbell and Olivia. His class only has 2 girls and 9 other boys, so I can only imagine the rowdiness in his classroom!
He also LOVES to sing and we sing all the time with him. His favorite songs are "twinkle, twinkle little star," "rocky top" (can you guess who that is from?) "Old McDonald had a Farm," "The Wheels on the Bus," "Rock-a-bye baby," and "Big's song" which is the song Big sings when he goes to Big and Allie's house. His music teacher has asked me to come see her individually a couple times to talk about Patrick's music talents. I have been surprised both times. The first time she asked if Michael and I were musicians (ha! far from it!). She said that for a two year old, Patrick is really talented musically. She said he can play back a few keys in a row on the piano after she demonstrates and can keep a beat on the drum. I think the music teacher saw the shock on my face and the wondering if she had the right parent (only kidding!) and said that she normally doesn't say this to parents. No idea where Patrick might get this ability, but glad he is enjoying music class so much!
Patrick is definitely a wild child. The teachers have told me that he has the most energy out of anyone in the class! I also signed an incident report (i.e. accident report) every day I picked him up from school last week. He runs so fast that other kids end up accidentally getting in his way and he runs smack into them and hits his head, or he tumbles over a car he is pushing too fast! Poor little guy has bruises all of his entire body, including 3 large bumps on his head right now!

Patrick really loves Peyton and gets so excited when Peyton laughs at him. He is still a little rough with him, but is getting much better. He has a really hard time sharing his toys with Peyton and specifically labels toys as "baby's toys" and "Pat Pat's toys." He gets really upset when Peyton rolls to one of his toys and grabs it. He normally ends up taking the toy from Peyton and running to get another toy for Peyton that is one of "baby's toys" hoping that Peyton won't cry and Michael or I won't get upset with him for not sharing.
He is still barely eating at school! He only touches his lunch when it has watermelon or corn on it. It's just recently that he has even eaten the corn or watermelon. His teachers got so excited that he actually ate something after a month of not eating lunch that they sent me a picture of him touching his plate. He refuses to touch or eat anything else and just drinks his milk. I really thought peer pressure would kick in, but it hasn't yet. He has eaten couple of the snacks at school, but only when they have something that he really likes (i.e. vanilla wafers or goldfish). We can barely get him to eat at home as well. The only things he will even consider eating are yogurt, fruit snacks, hot dogs, peanut butter crackers, cookies, waffles, cereal, sweet potato fries and M&M's ("women m's"). If I put anything else on his plate that is not one of those foods listed, he freaks out and refuses to sit at the table. I'm thinking of locating a food therapist (I have heard they are out there for children) if it doesn't improve soon.
Patrick does not sit still long enough for me to get any pictures of him and he normally runs away each time I get the camera out. You can probably tell from the lack of pictures in this post! So for now, two pictures of him smiling while not looking at the camera will have to do!
Patrick is such such a sweet, caring, and loving little boy! His smile and laugh could cheer up just about anyone! Love this little boy and can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring!