The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Peyton- 9 Months

Peyton is 9 months old! It has flown by!

He is still such a happy, laid back little guy. He loves to be on the move and is constantly crawling at lightning speed after Patrick. Any toy that Patrick is playing with is the toy Peyton wants to get his hands on. He is also VERY persistent and does not quit until he gets his hands on what he wants. He doesn't fuss when you try and redirect him or move a toy out of his reach, but instead just works that much harder to get the toy.

He is still a really good eater and will pretty much eat anything you give him. He is also still a really messy eater. He really wants to feed himself and gets upset when he can't grab onto the spoon and try himself. He started trying table food this month and will eat it, but gags a little. He prefers to eat his baby food, but will eat any table food I give him. He isn't that fond of cheerios, which I was surprised about.

He still has 6 teeth, but I have a feeling a couple more are on the way soon. He likes to bite and bites my arm and shoulder a lot! For such a little guy it really hurts! I'm afraid we are going to have a biter on our hands!

He loves to tear apart play with Patrick's train table. Patrick gets really upset when Peyton rips the tracks off and throws them on the ground.

This tunnel is his favorite toy. He loves crawling into it and sitting in the middle and waiting for someone to play peek-a-boo with him. He can also play peek-a-boo himself. He loves to play right after bath time and lift the towel over his head and then pull it off and giggle. It is hysterical!

He also starting waving this month. He is still a little inconsistent with doing it, but looks precious when he does wave. He started saying dada this month. I don't think he knows what it means, but he constantly says it! I'm working on getting him to say mama, but he does not seem interested!

He is still not sleeping through the night yet and not really showing any signs of trying. Hopefully we can get this little guy to try and sleep through the night soon!

At his 9 month appointment, he weighed 21 pounds, 1 ounce (55%), was 29 1/4 inches tall (75%) and his head circumference was 18 1/4 inches (75%).

Peyton, you are such a fun little baby! I have loved watching you grow and learn! We had your first Christmas this month and it was so precious watching it through your eyes!

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