
12 Months
2 years
I'm not even sure how to begin with his 3 year update. He has changed so much from my last update three months ago!
Patrick has such a big heart. He really loves his family and would be perfectly content to hang out with his family all day every day I think. He loves to cuddle, but he can also be really rambunctious. A few of his favorite activities are running, wrestling with Michael and kicking the soccer ball. He loves to be really active all the time. He still plays with his trains and cars the most and whenever we let him pick out a new toy he always picks out a train or a car.
He is really shy and gets nervous in new situations. He clings to Michael and I whenever we go somewhere that he is not very familiar with. He is very stubborn and likes to keep to his schedule. He is not necessarily focused on the timing of his schedule but the order we do activities. He never forgets. He will bring up something we told him a few months ago and still remember the exact details.
We went to the doctor last Friday and got a great report. He no longer has anemia and his cholesterol looked great. He is 35% for weight and 30% for height. I can't imagine what he would weigh if we were not in food therapy! It has been a life saver for him! He is still really small and can still wear 12-18 month shorts. However, his torso is long so he wears 3T shirts. Peyton and Patrick now share shorts and pajama's, since all of Patrick's shorts and pajamas are 18 month.
He goes to bed between 9 and 9:30. He goes to bed really easily, but still wakes up in the middle of the night wanting to sleep with us. I know there are so many people out there that are against sharing a bed, but I actually really like it. He goes to sleep by himself in his own bed and does sleep through the night some nights, but the nights he wants to cuddle with us are pretty fun. I know he isn't going to want to do that forever and will probably outgrow it soon. Those morning he sleeps with us and taps me on the shoulder in the morning and says, "Mom, it's a SUNNY DAY…it's time to get up" are just priceless.
He occasionally takes a nap, but is definitely trying to drop his nap. On the weekends he normally naps in the car when we go somewhere or takes a really late nap.
Potty training has been a nightmare with this little guy. Let me start by saying that we were not ready to potty train and I did not think he was ready to potty train. But, he was the oldest in his class and the teachers told us that we had to bring him to school in underwear. The first few days were battles to even put on underwear and he would beg to wear a diaper. Two months later it is still a struggle for us and we go through multiple sets of clothes every day (about 4 on average). He does great with #2 and has never had an accident with #2. But, #1 is still a big struggle (which I realize is backwards for most kids). I think he understands the concept and he seems like he is really trying, but maybe just isn't ready yet. After talking to the doctor, he reassured me that boys are much later and some really vary on the age. Patrick still wakes up with a full diaper, so that is one sign that he might not be ready. He said to let the teachers do all the work because with two demanding jobs, its just too difficult to focus the little time I have with him on potty training wars. So that's what we are doing, lots of pull ups on the weekends so we can focus on the fun stuff! He has really made progress, but we have a long way to go!
Patrick said he was going to work and headed off….pantless with daddy's beer cooler :)
I really love this age and he is becoming so much fun. I'm not going to lie, two was a tough year for us. Although there were lots of sweet moments, there were also lots of tantrums and lots of frustrations because he could not appropriately express himself or tell us what he wanted. I have seen such a change in the past few months! There are far less tantrums and we can actually begin to reason with him. He is growing into such a big boy!
Patrick, I have loved watching you mature into such a funny, sweet little boy! I cherish the time I get to spend with you. With the amount of energy and determination you have, you are bound to do great things in this life and I am thrilled to be able to witness it! Love you!
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