The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Quarterly Update- Peyton

Sweet little Peyton has such a personality and it is starting to shine through now that he is starting to talk. He is such a sweet little guy. Literally, THE sweetest! The sweet little boy listens so great and is pretty easy going. He definitely has his two year old tantrums, but they are pretty short and he easily gets over them.

Some of my favorite Peyton phrases are:

"Mom, you are such a bad boy!" when he doesn't like what I am doing.
"bye bye, see ya soon."  Although see ya soon sounds like one word when he says it. Adorable. He says this about 75 times as Michael is getting ready every morning. He also says this to Mickey Mouse on the T.V., to any animal we see, etc.
"Go Dutty, GO Dutty" (aka Dusty)
"I doed it" - He is really into doing everything himself right now, which is very cute but takes us about 15 minutes longer to do anything
"Daddy dooed it"- If Michael is home, he prefers that Michael do absolutely everything for him.
"No OUT" (aka no time-out)
"Poo Poo change mom"- Whenever his diaper needs to be changed
"Suga"- When he wants kisses blown on his belly. This is absolutely precious!
"Hold you"- Whenever he wants to be held

Here are a million pictures from the last 3 months of my sweet little Peyton.

He loves to boss the dogs around. Here he is walking Bailey at the vet.

Peyton is a very consistent napper and if he isn't in his bed when he is tired he will pass out anywhere. I love a child that still naps!

Me and my sweet babies during a heavy thunderstorm

He loves his uncles

His "cheese" face

Typical Peyton look....I think he is going to be very funny just like his daddy

"Juice bock" is Peyton's favorite thing in the entire world. He literally asks for a juice box every 15 minutes of every day.

Feeding baby milk :)

LOVES his baby brother and loves to give him kisses

He loves running and loves to play chase games with Patrick and Harper

He loves rice krispie's and loves to make a huge mess while eating them

And here's a video of Peyton cheering on Dusty in the car. He is so serious about Dusty! I love it!

And this is a video of what my days look like at home with Peyton. Best job ever!

He is such a fun boy and I am really loving my time at home with him. He is just the cutest!

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