Ohana was probably the best breakfast we had and solely because they bring everything to your table served family style. It is much easier for Michael and I to not have to leave the table in shifts to get everyone's food!
Patrick loves blowing kisses on the baby
Our first visitor was Stitch. Conor was amazed by him
He's so cute!
This little guy is just so precious and added so much to our trip this year
Lilo was up next
And luau Mickey
One of our favorites is always Pluto
There is also a parade at Ohana with shakers, which the boys really enjoyed. Notice that all of the other children are calmly walking while my crazy children are jogging and jumping around. Oh my!
Then we headed to the Magic Kingdom and got there a couple minutes after the opening. On our way out, we tried another castle picture. I just can't seem to get everyone looking and/or smiling at the camera.
We were able to ride a few rides before our fastpasses with Cinderella and Rapunzel. The mine train had a short line so we decided to try it out. It was my first time to ride since I was pregnant last trip. I have to admit that I was a little nervous! It is very fast but also very smooth. I am sort of surprised that Patrick loves it so much. There is one drop in there that definitely made my stomach drop a lot!
Love his face in this picture!
Peyton loved riding the carousel this time around.
Then we met Cinderella again. I hope this isn't our last year of the little boys liking princesses. It's just precious!

We also met Rapunzel in the same room. The boys LOVE this movie at home. One of their favorite characters is her pet chameleon, Pascal. Patrick asked Rapunzel where Pascal was and she said he needed a snack and was snacking at the popcorn carts. The boys thought that was just hysterical and looked at the popcorn carts for Pascal for the rest of the trip. We never did find him though.
This might be my favorite picture of the whole trip. They are just so excited!
After meeting the princesses we rode a couple more rides and then stopped to eat some popcorn from the popcorn cart and all shared a mug of some delicous LeFou's Brew at Gaston's Tavern. Peyton was obsessed with LeFou's Brew (don't worry, it's just frozen apple juice with marshmallow whip cream). Gaston was meeting people outside, but Patrick did not want to meet him this time because he is a bad guy :)
After our snack we headed to Dumbo and the playground to burn off some steam. Unfortunately, Peyton had a blow out in the Dumbo playground that was all over him and all over Michael. So we changed our plans and I headed to the bathroom to change Peyton. Then we had to headed to main street to get Michael a new shirt. While he shopped, the boys and I hung out and watched the ducks. There was a parade going on, so there was also lots of fun music.
I took a few selfies with my cuties since it was so pretty with the castle in the background.
Love how happy he is, just the best baby ever!
We had a little bit of time before our next fastpass, so we decided to get some ice cream for lunch. We got the famous "Kitchen Sink" and it was awesome!
They boys were super excited to have ice cream for lunch
Then we headed over to our buzz light year fastpasses
Love Patrick's determination in this picture :)
Then our fastpasses for the mine train. We got rider switch and Michael and Patrick were able to ride twice (the second time with my magic band).
We had planned to head back to the hotel and take a rest, but when we noticed all three boys were asleep in the stroller we decided to change our plans. The only bad thing about staying at the Art of Animation is that you have to fold up your strollers to get onto the bus to go back to the hotel. It is also the newest hotel, so it is the farthest bus stop from the Magic Kingdom. So it is a good walk away from the entrance to the Magic Kingdom. The boys always seem to fall asleep while we are walking to the bus. So we would have to wake them up to get them out of the stroller and then it is about a 30 minute ride from the Magic Kingdom to the hotel.
Since you don't have to fold up your stroller to get on the monorail, we decided to head to Epcot so that Michael and I could have an adult drink. No alcohol is served in the Magic Kingdom (except at Be Our Guest restaurant). We headed to one of the first "worlds" which was Mexico and ordered a Margarita and some guacamole. As soon as we sat down all three boys woke up :) We were still able to enjoy our drinks though!
The boys love Nemo so we decided to head quickly to the Nemo ride on the way out. We didn't have enough time to enjoy everything around the Nemo ride, like the aquarium or turtle talk with crush. We will definitely have to make time to do that next time!
After Epcot we headed back to the hotel to change quickly for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. We are huge fans of the party since it is a separate ticketed event and the crowds are much lower than usual.
On our way into the party
We were a little late to this party, so our plan to be the first in line to meet the seven dwarfs didn't work out that great. There was already a large line when we got there. We knew we wanted to meet them though since the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is Patrick's absolute favorite ride. It is the ride he talks about daily at home! Unfortunately it rained a lot at this party, so when we were about 5 people away from meeting them they had to take them inside for about 45 minutes. We decided to stick it out since the Halloween and Christmas parties are the only time you can meet them. I am so glad we waited it out because this picture is just adorable.
We finished our picture right before the fireworks started, so we had the best view of the fireworks!
We rode a few more rides and then headed over to try and meet Genie from Aladin. Unfortunately he was sick that night so we weren't able to meet him either. I was a little bummed that we didn't get to do more at this Christmas party, but the rain kind of hindered our plans!
We were going to wait for the 10:30pm Christmas parade, but all of the boys were sleeping and so we decided we should go back to the hotel early so they wouldn't be grumpy for our early reservations in the morning. Before leaving I was able to snap a quick picture in front of the castle with my main squeeze! It's just so pretty all lit up!
On to the last day of our magical Disney trip!
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