The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Conor- 13 Months

My precious little Conor is 13 months! He is such a precious handful, which is definitely the best way to describe this little baby!

I forgot to take (or was too tired to take?) official pictures this month, but I have plenty of this precious baby for his monthly post!

Valentines Day

Mr. Irresistible. I saw this shirt in target and I just couldn't help but to buy it. Even though this child barely sleeps and is into everything, he is just totally irresistible! That smile and those precious chubby cheeks get me every time! We don't call him little squishy for nothing :)

Blurry, but he sure is my buddy!

Whew! Bed time has been so rough these last few weeks! I have not been able to get him down for the life of me even though he is just utterly exhausted. So, I have resorted to coming back into the playroom and just letting him fall asleep on his own. It takes all of 2 minutes and he has laid down on a pillow or blanket on the floor and is just fast asleep! I have then been moving him to his bed, which seems to work just fine. I know this is temporary, but man is he wearing me out!! These teeth need to come in already!

Another night and another failed bedtime attempt :/

We have definitely enjoyed some sunshine this month after what seemed like a really long winter!

He is thrilled to be included in the "tiny car" riding as Peyton refers to it.

His first time in the Chick fil a playhouse and he could not be more excited. Whenever we are at chick-fil-a, I sit right next to the playhouse in a booth. Well the way the booth is set up, the highchair faces away from the playhouse. Conor has refused to eat the last couple of times and has almost injured his neck trying to watch his big brothers play. So I figured it was about time he got in on the fun. He was so proud of himself!

We have had lots of chilly nights supporting Patrick at the soccer field. The two youngest boys are troopers!

Seriously, he is the CUTEST!

He had his first haircut this month! Sweet little boy had a mullet in the back and desperately needed a haircut! I insisted we hold off until his first birthday and we almost didn't make it! He hated every minute of his haircut, but was VERY fond of his first lollipop afterwards!

Oh sweet little Conor! This month has been full of sleep deprived nights, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! I love you! Here's to hoping next month is filled with a little more sleep for this momma :)

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