Conor is 15 months old!
This precious little boy is such a handful!! He wants to do everything big brothers do! He reminds me a lot of Patrick, because he is a very independent little baby. He definitely voices when he is angry and bites the heck out of me and Peyton. But he is a happy little guy too. He has the best smile!
He has been very grumpy lately and I think it is because I have been weaning him. He is not happy about it. He wakes up in the middle of the night tugging on my shirt and screaming like crazy. He finally gives up after about 30 minutes of me cuddling him and rubbing his back. It has been rough! We are down to only nursing before bedtime.
He still loves meal times, but has become much pickier. He prefers to eat off of my plate only. I can put the same thing on his tray and he refuses to touch it, but will grab all kinds of things off of my plate and eat them no problem!
We celebrated both his brothers' and he was so excited to have all of their friends over and run around and play with everyone
He has been playing in the toy closet and loves putting on different accessories
Nap time has been sparce this month. He is fighting nap time like crazy!
My buddy
Major temper tantrums this month. He gets on the floor and just pouts and screams. Terrible two's are starting early (which definitely reminds me of one of his big brothers!)
Climbing on everything!
Park fun!
Big brother love
First time on the jet ski and it was a little cold so he had to wear footed pajamas :)
My boys. Notice the large bruise on Conor's nose. He had quite the tumble on Mother's Day. Fell face first on the pavement, ouch!
Precious baby profile

At the doctor for Conor's 15 month appointment, his weight was 24 lbs, 6 ounces (50%), he was 34 inches tall (>97%) and his head circumference was 75%. He is definitely my tallest of the bunch, they said he was in the 99th percentile for his height!!
And a little peek into life with 3 boys. Chase all the time. I just LOVE that sweet little waddle!!
Excited to have a fun summer with my boys. I have no doubt that Conor will love being a part of all the excitement!
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