Later that day was the Halloween party. Peyton and I were able to attend. My mom was nice enough to watch Conor while he napped.
Here is his special board. It has his baby pictures, pictures of our family and his favorite things.
We had a great time at Patrick's class Halloween party. They had a few activities and they were nice enough to let Peyton participate as well.
The cute little picture frame they made
He was so excited that the Kindergarten mascot came home with us for the week
He introduced Corduroy to all of his friends
On Halloween night we went trick or treating and took Corduroy along. He dressed as Spiderman
Tuesday was a holiday, so I had my three boys home. We took Corduroy to the park and played lots of fun games.
Patrick asked to take a rest in his room for the first time in forever! I found him fast asleep under all of his stuffed animals, with Corduroy on the top!
On Wednesday I was able to go and have lunch with my big boy! It was so fun to see him in his element with his friends at school!
On Friday, Grumps and Michael went to read a story to Patrick's class. It was so special for my big boy to have so many family members join him for his special week!
And to wrap up with week, we headed to the Saint Henry's Fun Run with Corduroy. Patrick was so fast and sprinted the whole mile! Michael and I were quite tired trying to keep up with him and the two other boys!
Patrick did a great job making all of the pages for Corduroy's special book. Love these sweet Kindergarten traditions.

And here is a portion of his class newsletter. At Patrick's parent-teacher conference the teacher told us that he really excels at math and is really excited about learning math. Maybe another future accountant?!?!

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