Michael and Patrick went to a game early on in the season.
Michael and I go to a Predators game each year on Valentine's Day (or a couple days before or after depending on the date). After the game, Michael commented that I rarely take pictures of us two. We had missed our opportunity for a picture at the game, but I did happen to catch him in a blurry selfie against his will in the parking garage.
The predators were the western conference champions this year. Michael attended most of the games.
He also lucked out and sat in Butch Jones box for a few games. Butch Jones oldest son is on the far right in the picture below. He is on the UT roster as a kicker.
Michael also met quite a few celebrities in the boxes. Garth and Tricia are in the picture below.
I was able to attend 2 Stanley Cup playoff games with Michael. The games had so much energy!
The infamous Smash hat was a huge hit this year. It was really hard to find, so people were buying them on the streets off of people's heads. Michael got offered $100 for his and he sold it. He lucked out and they had just restocked, so he ordered another with rush shipping and still came out a good bit ahead after ordering 2 hats.
We had just gotten back from the beach, before one of the playoff games. I had no time to look around for gear, but luckily Michael's mom had given me a t-shirt.
We had just gotten back from the beach, before one of the playoff games. I had no time to look around for gear, but luckily Michael's mom had given me a t-shirt.
Billy had a couple of extra seats a couple rows off the ice, so we joined him for the third period for one of the playoff games. We sat with Butch Jones oldest two sons.
After the game, we were invited up to the box. I was sort of embarrassed that I was dressed in a t-shirt and all of the other girls in the box were dressed to the nine's. Quinten Dormady and his girlfriend as well as Brandt Snedeker and his wife were in the box. There were a lot of other people in the box, but I am totally unfamiliar with UT football. I'm sure Michael could rattle off all of the names.
We were also invited to go down to the locker rooms below. All of the players and their families were down there. It was really neat! I talked to Barb Jones for a really long time and she is the nicest! She also has 3 boys, so we were sharing stories of the boys. We also met Carrie Underwood. Amazing!
Patrick saw all of the Preds hype and was pretty disappointed he wasn't invited to any games. There was a watch party in the stadium for Game 5, so Michael decided to take the big boys. We had originally planned to go as a family, but since it was also CMA fest parking was a complete nightmare. Conor and I decided to bail at the last minute and just drop the boys off downtown.
They were all ready in their preds gear and towels!

The arena was PACKED for the watch party. Patrick pretty quickly figured out that it was a watch party and not the actual game. Michael said he kept asking where the real Predators were. They had a blast though. Patrick did not want to leave, but Peyton was too tired so they left after the second period.
I just love Peyton in this video. He is so into it!
I just love Peyton in this video. He is so into it!

Seriously, I can't handle their cuteness!
Michael and I went to game 6. He loaned me the coveted smash hat for the night. Unfortunately, the outcome was not what we had hoped. It was a great season for the Preds and it was fun to be a part of it. Now to reconsider our season passes....
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