The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter 2022

A few days before Easter Caitie and I visited the bunnies at Phillips toy mart. I used to do this with the boys when they were little and it was fun being able to do it with Caitie too!

Then it was time for Caitie's Easter egg hunt at school.

And Conor's Easter egg hunt at school. The big boys have outgrown Easter Egg hunts at school, so i'm trying to really enjoy these last couple with the little two!

The Easter bunny visited our rental house!

Love these little sleepy heads! We had to wake big brother up, but the little three were really ready!

Her favorite princess dress. She has been begging for this dress!

Then it was time for brunch at Belle Meade. We took a few cousin pictures.

And our little family

It was a fun Easter!

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