The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, January 22, 2024

Snow Week

We had a really big storm that shut down the whole city for a week. It was below freezing temperatures and snowed a lot! 

We could only go outside for a little while because our faces were frozen solid!

We did a lot of sledding, mostly Michael and the boys. They went on some crazy hills throughout the neighborhood. Caitie and I stayed cozy inside the house. 

Lots of snowball fights!

We had lots of bonfires with hot chocolate. 

Michael finally ventured out a week later to make it to a birthday party for Conor's friend. The roads in our neighborhood were still sheets of ice! But Michael and Conor had a good time leaving the house for a little while. I was pretty nervous about them making it home safely!

It was fun to have a little break from school for the week!

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