The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Conor's 1st Communion

Conor's 1st Communion was this weekend and it was so precious! He looked so handsome!

We were so surprised when he brought the gifts down! We had no idea he was chosen to do this. We spent a long time the night before asking Conor which side we should sit on and he told us the wrong side. We couldn't see him very well, but someone got these pictures of him. Way to go Conor, such an honor!

Taking his First Communion

Proud of you sweet Conor!

Patrick was there for the ceremony and then had to bolt to go to a soccer game, so we didn't get him in any pictures with the family. 

The Blue Jays. Love this sweet picture of the boys!

And the moms!

We had been so busy and didn't have the older boys schedules until a couple days before 1st Communion. After 1st Communion, I rushed out to Antioch to watch Patrick's soccer game while Michael prepped for a celebratory dinner for Conor. We had his favorite, Mexican for dinner. Michael catered Moe's and picked up some cupcakes from Publix. We had the grandparents over and it was the perfect celebration for our sweet boy!

We love you Conor!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Saint Henry Grandparents Day

Saint Henry grandparents day was on Friday. The little two were so excited. The grandparents sent some great pictures. So glad they had so much fun!

Afterwards the grandkids went to Nana's house and played pickleball. It was a fun afternoon for them!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Memphis Soccer Tournament

Patrick and I traveled to Memphis for the weekend for a soccer tournament. It was a great tournament and we ended up winning it all! Way to go boys!

While we were in Memphis, Michael and the other kids were at a baseball tournament for Peyton. Caitie always has a blast tailgating with the Thompsons!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Leal/Goody Clinic

Patrick was invited to attend the Leal/Goody clinic this year. He had a great time and it was fun to meet a couple of the Nashville SC players. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Saint Henry Walk-a-thon

Michael bought line leaders for the little two at the Saint Henry auction this year. So the little two got to be line leaders for their grades. Caitie was so incredibly proud!

Conor was excited too!

I didn't bother the older two with pictures, but it was a fun day full of dancing and raising money for the school!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Patrick's 13th Birthday

Patrick is 13! Can' believe we have a teenager in the house!


Caitie drew him the cutest picture. I love how she drew his hair!

Patrick was insistent that he did not want to do anything for his birthday. However, Michael had his work box the weekend of his birthday and we convinced him to ask a couple friends. They had a great time!

Sweet friends

Patrick gets one monkey day a year and he decided to skip school on his actual birthday and go get the Titanic lego. He has wanted this lego for a long time. He saved up enough to split it with Nana. It is the largest lego made!

So many pieces!

On his actual birthday Michael had tickets to the Preds game. Zane was able to join! He wasn't able to make it to the soccer game, so I am glad this worked out!

Happy Birthday Patrick! We are so proud of you!