The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Conor's 1st Communion

Conor's 1st Communion was this weekend and it was so precious! He looked so handsome!

We were so surprised when he brought the gifts down! We had no idea he was chosen to do this. We spent a long time the night before asking Conor which side we should sit on and he told us the wrong side. We couldn't see him very well, but someone got these pictures of him. Way to go Conor, such an honor!

Taking his First Communion

Proud of you sweet Conor!

Patrick was there for the ceremony and then had to bolt to go to a soccer game, so we didn't get him in any pictures with the family. 

The Blue Jays. Love this sweet picture of the boys!

And the moms!

We had been so busy and didn't have the older boys schedules until a couple days before 1st Communion. After 1st Communion, I rushed out to Antioch to watch Patrick's soccer game while Michael prepped for a celebratory dinner for Conor. We had his favorite, Mexican for dinner. Michael catered Moe's and picked up some cupcakes from Publix. We had the grandparents over and it was the perfect celebration for our sweet boy!

We love you Conor!

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