The doctor finally called with Bailey's results and her tumor is benign! We are very thankful that our little Bailey is healthy!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Patrick's Nursery
I am WAY overdue on this post, but we finally hung everything in Patrick's room. We weren't expecting him to come early! Below are a few pictures of his room.
The inside of the bedding
My sister painted these letters for Patrick. They look so good!
His adorable little rocking chair
Paintings of Turk and Bailey for Patrick's animal themed room. Amanda Norman painted these and she did such an amazing job!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Turk and Bailey Update
Turk and Bailey have had a rough few weeks. They had their yearly check-up (with lots of shots), were boarded for a week, and had a dental procedure done all within a few weeks. Michael had found a spot on Bailey's leg, so when he took them in to get their dental work done he asked about it. Unfortunately it was a cancerous tumor so they had to remove it. The vet was a little nervous about this type of tumor since it can spread fast, so they did more tests to see if it has spread to the rest of her body. We should find out in a few days. We are praying for good results for our sweet little Bailey!

When I went to pick them up at the vet, the vet told me a cute little story about Turk and Bailey. She mentioned that Turk had been talking to them since he woke up and I knew it was because he wasn't in the same room as his sister! When Bailey woke up in the next room she started whimpering a little. Turk could hear her through the walls and apparently started freaking out. They normally don't let dogs recover in the same room, but she said Turk was going so crazy that they let him in Bailey's room to see if it calmed him down. They said he just cuddled with her while she was recovering from her surgery. So sweet!
The day after Bailey's surgery she still wasn't feeling well so Turk decided to cuddle with her some more. Aren't they just precious!?
Otherwise they are just happy as can be barking at the fox family that lives in the bushes next to our house.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Patrick's 3 Month Photos
Patrick's 3 month photos turned out so cute, you can't even tell he screamed the majority of the time. I scheduled it for the day after our vacation, which in retrospect probably wasn't a good idea. I think Patrick was exhausted and a little dehydrated from flying so he was not a happy camper! Zach decided to come back another day since Patrick was so fussy. The second day we tried to take pictures Patrick was a little tired since he didn't sleep much the night before. He is normally such a happy baby, so I was a little bummed he wasn't up for pictures either day. However, Zach did such a great job getting some cute ones when Patrick gave us a few smiles! Below are some of my favorites:

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Beach Trip
Patrick is 3 months old! Wow time flies! I am so lucky to have 4 1/2 months off. I can't imagine leaving him right now. I feel like he just needs so much attention. But he has really started to reach a turning point and loves playing on his own now. He has also started grabbing his toys. It's so fun to watch him learn new things!
Just a few other tidbits about Patrick at 3 months so I don't forget...He has started sleeping through the night occasionally. He will sleep 9 hours one night and then a 5 hour stretch the next. Its never predictable, but its definitely nice to get off of the 3 hour routine. He also hates tummy time. He screams bloody murder! He has strong legs and can push his body off the ground with his legs, but has really skinny little arms and hasn't learned how to put any weight on his arms yet. He favors his left hand, so we will see if he turns out to be a lefty. He has gained some weight and now weighs 12 pounds! I can't decide if he looks more like Michael or I, so he must be a good mix of us both.
Patrick went on his first vacation this week to Destin with my family and we just had so much fun. Below are some pictures from the week.
Patrick's first plane flight. I was so nervous about it, but he did really well!
First night at the beach
Trying to talk to my Aunt Denton
Having fun with dad at the pool
Hanging out at night on the beach
Going for a swim on the 4th
We tried to get some fireworks in the background but this was the best we could do
Laughing at Big
Family picture on the beach, minus Denton who had to leave a day early
In other news, Turk and Bailey had their 2 year checkup this past week. Love at First Sight, where we adopted them, told us they would be 50 pounds max. HA! Turk is 80 pounds and Bailey is 70 pounds. Lifting them into my car is a workout! Thankfully Turk has lost 10 pounds since last year. We are glad to have Turk and Bailey back after a week at Greymont. We sure missed them!
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