Turk and Bailey have had a rough few weeks. They had their yearly check-up (with lots of shots), were boarded for a week, and had a dental procedure done all within a few weeks. Michael had found a spot on Bailey's leg, so when he took them in to get their dental work done he asked about it. Unfortunately it was a cancerous tumor so they had to remove it. The vet was a little nervous about this type of tumor since it can spread fast, so they did more tests to see if it has spread to the rest of her body. We should find out in a few days. We are praying for good results for our sweet little Bailey!

When I went to pick them up at the vet, the vet told me a cute little story about Turk and Bailey. She mentioned that Turk had been talking to them since he woke up and I knew it was because he wasn't in the same room as his sister! When Bailey woke up in the next room she started whimpering a little. Turk could hear her through the walls and apparently started freaking out. They normally don't let dogs recover in the same room, but she said Turk was going so crazy that they let him in Bailey's room to see if it calmed him down. They said he just cuddled with her while she was recovering from her surgery. So sweet!
The day after Bailey's surgery she still wasn't feeling well so Turk decided to cuddle with her some more. Aren't they just precious!?
Otherwise they are just happy as can be barking at the fox family that lives in the bushes next to our house.

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