Patrick's 3 month photos turned out so cute, you can't even tell he screamed the majority of the time. I scheduled it for the day after our vacation, which in retrospect probably wasn't a good idea. I think Patrick was exhausted and a little dehydrated from flying so he was not a happy camper! Zach decided to come back another day since Patrick was so fussy. The second day we tried to take pictures Patrick was a little tired since he didn't sleep much the night before. He is normally such a happy baby, so I was a little bummed he wasn't up for pictures either day. However, Zach did such a great job getting some cute ones when Patrick gave us a few smiles! Below are some of my favorites:

I had just looked at his blog and was going to email you! They are just such great pictures!! He is SO cute and really such a perfect blend of you 2!