The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Caitie's First Softball Season

We were a little torn about signing Caitie up for softball this season. I had already signed her up for soccer and she was also continuing with gymnastics two days a week. We decided last minute to sign her up when Michael was also asked to coach. I'm so glad we did because she loved it. She had no idea how to play her first game, but quickly got the hang of it. She was charging every ball in the field and really gave it her all. She was so fun to watch. 

Caitie's favorite part was that her dad wore a bright pink shirt. 

She played catcher a couple times, but mostly played pitcher. 

Her teacher came to watch them play!

Last game of the season. Way to go girls!

So glad she loved softball!

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