The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Quarterly update on Patrick

I thought I would do a little update on Patrick since I am doing monthly posts on Peyton. Patrick is also changing so much right now, so he needed an update on the blog! Patrick is really enjoying his role as big brother and is so sweet to Peyton. He is constantly hugging on him and saying "I love baby" "baby my best friend." Every morning when he wakes up he gives me a huge hug and says "I love baby," "I love momma too," "I love daddy too," "I love Turk too," "I love B too." Does it get any sweeter than that!?!? He has such a big heart and I just love him to pieces!

He is so talkative. I am loving that he can talk in full sentences now! I don't have to guess what he wants anymore and instead he just tells me! His vocabulary has also exploded. I feel like he says at least 5 new words every day. It's great! He also repeats everything we say, so we have to be really careful. I said "No Patrick" the other day to him and he looked up at me and said "No Minje" (terrible two's anyone?). It definitely caught me off guard that he knows my name! I asked him what dad's name was and he said "Michael" really clearly. Michael and I do not refer to each other by our names at home and instead say Mom and Dad to each other, so I have no idea where he learned our names! What a smart little cookie!

He knows all of his colors, knows how to count to 10 and knows a lot of shapes. His favorite shape is the triangle. I think because he likes to try and say the word.

Some of my favorite phrases that he says are:
"Another more"- For another one
"What are you dooooing"- He asks me this about 75 times a day
"Suckit"- Sucker/lollipop
"No, i'm Pat Pat"- He says this whenever you say something like "you're silly."
"Cracks"- Any time of cracker
"Growken"- For broken. He won't eat anything that isn't a perfect shape. For example if his hot dog isn't cut perfectly he won't eat it. Or if his graham cracker isn't a perfect square he won't eat it. He is very particular.
"Momma car" and "Daddy truck"- He gets really upset if you switch it around and say Daddy car or Momma truck

He is also really creative. He says the most funny things! He hates to have his diaper changed. One morning, I was talking to him and said "Patrick, your diaper is really wet so we need to go change it." He looked at me and said "Momma my diaper's not wet, i'm just sweaty."

He is also imitating us all the time now. The other morning I was getting him ready to go to Margaret's and I was trying to get him ready before the baby needed to eat again. As we were going outside the door, he looked at me and said "Momma I forgot something" and ran back inside. I called to him after a minute and he said "Just a second, Momma" and "I'll be right there." I walk inside and he has opened my work computer and started typing. He looked up at me and said "Just a second, Momma, i'm almost done" as he continued to type on the computer. It's so funny the things he picks up on. I guess I need to be more mindful that he is constantly watching and imitating now :)

He is obsessed with getting in Peyton's bed to "go night night with baby," which pretty much ruins nap time constantly for Peyton. He can climb in and out of Peyton's crib. It's a battle to get Peyton down and convince Patrick he can't go lay with Peyton; i.e. play in the crib and wake him up!

We are also starting to talk about potty training. The other night I was giving him a bath and trying to soothe the baby at the same time. He looked up at me and said "Momma there is a cookie in the tubby." Not sure where that phrase came from, but it was certainly not a cookie! Maybe we will wait a few more months before potty training, haha.

He has started to try and sing songs which is just precious. I'll try to get it on video soon!

Still not the greatest sleeper, but getting so much better! It is not a fight to put him to bed anymore, which is just wonderful! Although he still goes to bed around 9:30p.m. Would love to move that time up a little, but it seems to be the time that works for him! He still wakes up in the middle of the night about half the time and comes down to our bed because he wants to cuddle. Hopefully we can work on that soon too.

Patrick still has a ton of energy and acts out when he can't be really active. We have a new time-out chair and it seems to be working pretty well with Patrick. I was a little surprised that he doesn't put up a fight and sits there for the whole two minutes. 

He is still a terrible eater and it is a huge fight in our house every night. I can't tell if he is just extremely stubborn and picky or actually scared of food. I started letting him go hungry if he didn't eat what was on his plate (for dinner only- although the doctor suggested all meals), but the poor child was starting to look so skinny that his ribs were showing! So we have started a new approach where he has to try two bites of something on his plate and then he can have what he wants, which is normally just a hot dog, sucker or fruit snacks. The goal was to have him try new foods in the hopes that he will actually like it! We have only been doing it about a week and the first few nights he cried for about 45 minutes before he actually tried two bites. Let me tell you, it is extremely stressful! I only put things on his plate that I think he will actually like. I have only had one success so far with sweet potatoes. We put a little bit of cinnamon butter on it and he fought us tooth to nail to try two bites. I think he really liked it, but refused to take more than 2 bites. I sent it to school the next day and he ate all of it at school! Yay! It's the only vegetable the child has eaten in months!

Still loves to play with his train table and play with "queen balls" which is just a ball pit. He also loves to play "socket ball" and asks to play every morning before school and every afternoon. He is surprisingly really good! In fact, I think he is better than I am (no kidding!).

Loving my extra time with this little boy this summer! It has been so fun to play for a few extra hours in the morning and afternoon. I am definitely going to miss that sweet play time with him when I go back to work! I'm a little worried that he has forgotten what it's like to go to school for a whole day. Hopefully the transition when I go back to work won' be too hard for him! He also starts a new school next week! A little sad that my big boy is going to preschool!

Love you Pat Pat!

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