All three boys played basketball this year. Conor played for WNSL and Patrick and Peyton both played for Saint Henry and the AAU Irish team. Patrick and Peyton were both so excited to make the AAU team. It made it much more hectic as they had practices two times a week with Father Ryan and also practices with Saint Henry. We had at least five basketball games each Saturday and most times there were more than that with double headers for the Irish.
Patrick made the second competitive team for Saint Henry and it ended up being a great fit for him. He was able to lead the team, he learned a lot and had a lot of fun.
Third and Fourth grade doesn't have a competitive team and just mix evenly. Peyton's team didn't win a lot of games, but they had a lot of fun.
Patrick's team played in the Coach Cat end of season tournament. Peyton and Henry joined their team. They got third place and it was fun to watch. Patrick made the all tournament team.
Unfortunately Conor was sick for his last basketball game, so I don't have a single picture of him playing. He played in the WNSL league and is so fun to watch. He ends up on the floor diving for balls a lot of time. He gets so into it!
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