The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Peyton- 20 Months

Peyton is 20 Months old!

Sweet little Peyton has been such a handful lately! He likes to play hard and he is rough! Big brother better watch out, because this little guy is about to be the same size!

He is starting to try and talk a lot and has started putting a few words together. He still babbles a lot, but  we are starting to hear a few things we recognize now! 

I think he really loves school but drop off has been pretty tough lately. He clings to me and screams bloody murder! They say he is happy the rest of the day, but those first 15 minutes are tough!

He really loves to point out all the parts of our face/head now. He is so cute while he points to everything like eyes or nose and cutely says it with a huge grin on his face.

He is becoming such a picky eater. He used to eat anything and everything, but now would prefer to eat some sort of red meat, bread, banana and juice for dinner. He still eats pretty well at school though, so thats great.

He is still a great napper. He consistently takes a 2 hour nap every day. However he is a really early riser which is not so great. We have had a tough time with bed time mostly because he sees that Patrick goes to bed later. He is getting a new big boy bed soon which I think he will really like since it means he get to be like big brother.

Love you Peyton!

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