The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Iceland 15th Anniversary Trip (Part 4)

We slept in a little and then headed to the glacier lagoon for a zodiac boat tour. We arrived to the most beautiful lagoon.  

We suited up and then headed out on the boat. It was pretty chilly when the boat was going at full speed, so I was glad I had on the extra layers.

We were on the boat for about an hour and 15 minutes and everywhere you looked was just beautiful. I especially loved all the adorable seals. We were told that they aren't out a lot, but this time of year is one of the only times they are out since its mating season for them.

It was breathtakingly beautiful!

A glacier with a lot of volcanic rock mixed in. Sort of neat to see.

Love the extra blue glaciers

Such a fun experience!

After the boat tour we stopped and had an Icelandic hotdog and Applesin for lunch. It was delicious.

We went across the street to Diamond Beach. I think we were a little early in the season to see a lot of "diamonds" on the beach. We did see a few!

Way heavier than it looks!

We went about 15 minutes down the road to our next hike. We hiked Mulajljufur Canyon, which was a 3.6 mile hike and was a little difficult because of the elevation gain. It was a stunning hike and I really loved it. 

Absolutely gorgeous!

You can see how fresh the water is with the blue puddle a the bottom.

Our next hike was the Svartifoss waterfall. The church in Reykjavik is inspired by the basalt columns in this waterfall. The hike was rated easy and Michael and I were not mentally prepared for this hike. After so much hiking the days before our legs were a little tired. It's a two mile hike, but it is straight uphill. So much so that they had to create metal grips on the hike so that your feet don't slip going up and down it. Itt was such a beautiful hike. 

We had about a 4 hour drive to the golden circle. We stopped about halfway at Black Crust Pizzeria. It was absolutely delicious! 

We arrived at our cabin in the golden circle around 9:30pm and were so tired. However, we couldn't resist the soaking in the hot tub after so much hiking. It was a beautiful view!

One of the most packed, but best days of our trip!

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