The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Iceland 15th Anniversary Trip (Part 5)

We checked out of the Blue Cabin and headed towards the Golden Circle. We had reservations at the Geothermal Bakery to cook rye bread. We had a little time to kill so we went to the Geysir on the way. 

It was so interesting seeing all of the steam from the ground. 

Lil Geyser was so cute and bubbly

We stayed and watched multiple eruptions. This geysir erupts every 3-5 minutes so if you stick around for a little bit you can see a few eruptions. Some were small and then there were a couple that had back to back eruptions.

Next we headed to the rye bread tour. I had high hopes for the tour, but both Michael and I thought that the tour should have been half of the size. It was packed and kind of hard to see what was going on. 

He explained the process to us and a little of the history of the area. 

Then he dug up the pot that they buried the day before and put a new pot in for the next day. Each bread takes about 24 hours to cook.

He washed off the pot in the water. 

And then uncovered the gorgeous bread. We were able to taste this bread afterwards and it was amazing!

Next on the list was Bruarfoss. It is supposed to be the bluest waterfall in Iceland. Gosh was it pretty. It was also a very short walk to see this waterfall. Michael and I stayed a long time just staring at this gorgeous waterfall. 

Then we headed to Thingvellir National Park. The Golden Circle is pretty close to Reyjavik, so it is a really popular day tour. It was a Saturday and it was PACKED! Pretty much everywhere else we went in Iceland was very few people, so it was definitely strange to have so many at this Naional Park.

The biggest attraction in the park is the exposed North American and Eurasian Tectonic Plates. It is pretty popular to go snorkeling between the two tectonic plates.

You can see the people snorkeling in the freezing water below. In hindsight I wish we would have tried this tour, but every review said that they were so cold it wasn't very enjoyable. Michael was dying to try it and maybe since he is so hot natured it would be a good activity for him! 

After Thingvellir National Park we drove 2 hours to the Blue Lagoon. We were so excited to check this resort out. When we arrived we found out that there is a volcano that is expected to erupt at any minute. In face the entire town of Grindivak is abandoned because of this volcano. The volcano is only 3 miles from the Blue Lagoon. We were required to sign a bunch of papers that about liability and the volcano. Michael and I had no idea about the volcano when we booked the hotel. We were a little nervous! 

We were both in awe at the room. It was stunning!

We ate a very late lunch in the spa and then headed to the private lagoon. Cameras aren't allowed in the private lagoon, but one of the hotel members offered to take our picture which I was very thankful for. 

I just couldn't get over the view from our room. So pretty!

When we got back to the room we had a bottle of champagne ready for us for the night. Michael and I stayed up way too late just soaking in the view. 

They also left some delicious truffles

We ate a latte lunch and weren't very hungry for dinner. So we ordered a couple late night sandwiches to the room. They were both so good. 

Such a fun day!

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