The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, December 23, 2019

California Trip- Goofy's Kitchen, Downtown Disney and Hollywood Sign (Part 6)

We started our morning at Goofy's kitchen at the Disneyland hotel for our last day in California.

Peyton loved the Goofy hat Christmas tree.

Meeting Chef Goofy

There were a couple dance parties in the restaurant where the character encouraged the kids to wave their napkins around.  The kids thought it was so fun.

Even Caitie had a great time waving her napkin. She loved all the characters from a distance, but was too scared to get up close to them.

The kids really enjoyed this character meal. We would definitely go back!

After breakfast we walked around Downtown Disney for a little while. We had planned to walk around for just a few minutes and then go to the La Brea Tar Pits. But the kids had such a great time at the lego store that they played for over an hour and we decided they would rather just get out some energy before the plane ride.

We had a little bit of time before we had to drop off the rental car and go to the airport, so we made a stop at Lake Hollywood Park. It has a playground and a great view of the Hollywood sign.

We had such a great trip! There are so many other things I want the kids to experience in California, so we will definitely have to go back once Caitie becomes a little more manageable on an airplane!

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