The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, December 20, 2019

California Trip- Long Beach (Part 3)

After a couple long days in the parks we decided we needed a break day. Michael started the day with a little homemade mimosas for us.

I had a bunch of ideas for the day and thought about having breakfast with Santa in downtown Disney, but we ended up sleeping in and hanging out in the hotel for a little while in the morning. But next on the list was going to the aquarium in Long Beach. It was only a 20 minute drive and I thought it would be a great break for the boys to run around. 

The boys outside the aquarium

Oh Caitie. She was a little handful this trip!

We saw the area for the birds next and the kids begged to buy some food for them. Peyton really wanted to try it but then freaked out and dropped all the food on the ground.

Conor was up next

This picture cracks me up. Sweet guy was terrified, but he held on to his cup.

It was really funny and definitely a memorable experience.

We had a great time exploring the aquarium but realized that the aquariums by us are really amazing! 

After the aquarium we walked around long beach for a little while. I think these pictures of Patrick and Peyton fit them perfectly. They play great together but are also at each others throats sometimes. Too funny

We stopped for lunch and Michael thoroughly enjoyed it

We had planned to explore the Queen Mary next and attend the Queen Mary Christmas. I had read up on the reviews from last year before we left for the trip, but as we were driving in and looking at the details all of the recent reviews for the past two weeks were AWFUL. So we decided to skip out on the Queen Mary Christmas. I was a little bummed we didn't get to see it, but I also didn't want to waste a ton of money on a terrible experience. So we settled for a few pictures with Queen Mary in the background.

Love this one of Conor

The little two fell asleep eating a cookie on the way back to the car.

We drove to the beach and planned to run around on the beach for a little while. But as soon as we got to the beach Conor had to go #2 and there was only one bathroom open and a line of about 12 people long to use it. So instead of playing on the beach, we settled for playing in the waterpark at the hotel. It was FREEZING outside and I have no idea how the children ran around in wet bathing suits outside. They went down the slides a few times and then ran back to the hot tub. They repeated this about 15 times before it got dark and was too cold. 

We were exhausted at the end of the day and didn't have the energy to find somehwere to eat, so when all the kids voted on the McDonalds next door we decided that was our best bet. They all loved it! The day definitely didn't go as planned, but we still had fun and it was a good down day between our park days. 

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