The kids were so excited about their toys. They played for a good portion of the morning and we had a great time as a family. I attempted to get a family picture, but didn't have much luck.
Caitie was so excited about her baby dolls and loved her pearls. She kept putting all of her play pearls on her babies and saying they looked pretty.
Then her baby went for a ride on big brother's scooter
We headed over to Gene and Sharon's for a delicious brunch.
The boys
My sweet little ones
I attempted to take some more photos of my 4, but I just couldn't get a good one!
After brunch we headed over to Big and Allie's house. We headed down to the park for some fun.
Sweet little cousins
We went home for a quick afternoon nap and then joined the Mulloy family for a Christmas dinner.

Caitie was not in the mood to take a family picture.

It was a really fun Christmas with my fam!
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