The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fun Weekends

The weather has been beautiful the past two weekends and we have taken full advantage of being outside. A couple of weekends ago, Patrick and Michael had a boys outing and went to the Zoo with Robbie and Michael Sechrist.  Patrick and Michael are only a few months apart, so they have lots of fun together.  

Below the boys are looking at the Clouded Leopard cubs

The zoo wore Patrick out and he fell asleep in the stroller at the zoo

That night Patrick went swimming with Denton, Big and Allie

Last week Margaret took a personal day, so Patrick had a day out with Nana.  I wish I could have taken the day off and hung out with Patrick, but he had a great time with Nana!

Fell asleep in the car talking on the phone

Patrick loves to eat with his foot on the table wherever we go

Lately, Patrick has really loved to play with his bat.  He has seen us hit balls with the bat and he tries to do it too, but hasn't quite gotten the hang of it.  He throws the bat at the ball instead of the ball at the bat. It's pretty cute!  He is also not into wearing clothes at home, so we are in a diaper most of the time while at home.

On Saturday morning we went to the tree houses at Cheekwood.  It was packed!!  Patrick woke up at 9 that morning (since he was up most of the night) so I thought he would be fine to go right before nap time, but I was wrong!  He had fun at the first couple tree houses, but then he got tired and wasn't up for the crowds any more!  Not a great picture, but there were so many people it was hard to find a spot to take a picture!

On Sunday we went to the Zoo with Matthew and Taylor.  Patrick had a lot of fun!  Below they are looking at the meerkats.

It was nap time at the zoo for most of the animals.  It was no exception for the clouded leopard cubs.  You can't see it in the picture, but they were the craziest sleepers!

Patrick looking at the giraffes

Family picture with the giraffes

We are loving this great weather!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Patrick- 16 Months

Patrick is 16 months old!

His BIG accomplishment this month is sleeping through the night almost every night!  Woohoo!  He likes to "talk" (i.e. babble) to me for a few minutes while we rock.  I took away the nighttime bottle last month, so I have to rock him from 45 minutes to an hour for him to fall asleep.  I don't mind as long as he sleeps through the night!  He is very particular about who rocks him to sleep.  If dad tries to rock him to sleep he normally wakes up in the middle of the night, so i've learned that if I go out one night I should count on getting up with him.  Maybe that can be our goal for next month!

He is still such a picky eater and I can't predict from day to day what he will eat!  He does surprise us every now and then and eats something I wouldn't expect him to eat.  He loves milk and drinks so much of it.   He carries his sippy cup around all day with him!

Patrick is definitely going to be a climber.  He practices climbing on anything he can!  He also loves going up and down the stairs constantly!

He loves playing chase and peek-a-boo.  He also loves sitting on our laps and playing any game.  He pulls me over to where he is playing and sits on my lap and then just happily plays.

 Cute little buddy playing peek-a-boo with mom while on his slide

He isn't saying any new words this month, but he never stops babbling!  He talks constantly.  He is starting to understand more.  He can point to all of his body parts when you ask him where his nose is, for example.

No new teeth this month, but I can see four more that are about to poke through!

He is such a little giggler.  He loves being tickled and then giggling like crazy!  

Patrick has been really into copying Michael and I.  He saw me push the chair up to the fridge and put something in the cabinet above the fridge.  I walked away for a minute and when I came back in the room Patrick had pushed the chair back to the fridge, climbed up and was pulling off magnets.

He is so much fun right now, just giggling and laughing all the time!