The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Patrick- 21 Months

Patrick is 21 Months old!

Patrick's new love this month is the movie Cars.  He LOVES it and loves Lightning McQueen and Mater.  He carries them around with him all the time (even in the bath) and constantly wants to watch Cars.  He still really likes Thomas too.  He mostly loves all things transportation related.  Whenever we hear an ambulance or a police siren he looks at me and says "ohhhhhh" and runs to the window to see if he can see it. 

Mimi and Joe are his best friends at school and he loves playing with them and talking about them.  Unfortunately, Joe's (or JoeJoe as Patrick calls him) sister's school opened up a younger class, so Joe's last day was last week. Patrick has been asking about JoeJoe a lot and seems pretty upset that they don't get to play anymore. Mimi is also another good friend of Patrick's. She cheers everytime he gets to Margaret's house in the morning.  I think they have a lot of fun chasing each other and playing all day.

Patrick is also really starting to talk a lot!  He knows he is supposed to form sentences, but doesn't know all of the words yet, so it mostly sounds like this "blah blah blah blah mimi?"  He is constantly trying to say new words although he likes to shorten the words to one letter.  For example, if he wants a diaper change he just yells "D" or if he wants his blanket he yells "B".  It can be hard to determine what he actually wants!

He has really been attached to me this month.  I can barely do anything around the house without Patrick hanging on my leg or yelling "Mama!" for me to come and play with him. I think he senses a change coming and isn't quite ready yet!

Patrick has two new teeth coming in this month! I can't tell if they are all the way in yet, since he won't let me get near his mouth.  I think his top two molars are coming in as well, but I can't quite tell.  He has been waking up a couple times a week asking for me to sleep with him, which he hasn't done in a while. These are his last teeth, so I am anxious for them to come in!

Patrick's goofy face that he does for mom a lot!

We set up Patrick's big boy bed over Christmas with the intention of switching him, but we still haven't done it yet. It's a little crowded with the twin bed and the crib in there. We had planned to switch him after Christmas, but with Michael having the flu last week and Patrick teething, we are holding off on making the transition. Mom needs a break before we make the big switch!

His eating is improving a little, but not much.  He loves fruit snacks or "nacks" as he calls them.  He is doing really well eating cereal and fruit, but that's mostly all he eats.  Still working on getting him to try anything new!

Trying out his new cars headphones while running errands with mom and dad

Loving my little munchkin and trying to soak up all my alone time with him while I can (and while Michael is in busy season)!  Maybe next month i'll do better taking more pictures of him!

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