The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Peyton- 8 Months

Another month has flown by! My sweet little Peyton is 8 months old already!

Peyton is such a sweet little guy. Constantly smiling and so happy! Margaret said he is one of the happiest babies she has had.

Peyton had a busy month! He started full on crawling (no more army crawling) and pulling up to stand!  He is still a little shaky when he stands but gets so excited for himself when he pulls up! It also means that he can now get to most of Patrick's toys. Patrick is used to putting toys on the coffee table out of Peyton's reach, but not any more! Peyton is pretty determined to get anything Patrick is playing with!

His new favorite crawling spot!

Peyton is probably the most determined little baby I have ever seen. If he sets his eyes on something, he will work his way over to it until he gets it (and then immediately puts it in his mouth). I could reposition him a million times and he would still go straight for the item he wanted. No more distracting with another toy anymore!

Peyton is also extremely strong. I have trouble changing his diaper because he can sit up even when I am trying to make him lay down with one hand! He also wins tug-of-war with Patrick sometimes!

Getting ready for school!

Notice all of those teeth? He has really been teething recently. These pictures are about a week late, but for the entire month, he had his two side teeth and no front teeth on the top. We kept joking that all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth. Well looks like he is getting his wish and they are coming in. Right now he has six teeth, which seems like a lot to me!

Peyton LOVES food. The only thing he has tried and not liked is avocado's. He is also the messiest eater! For some reason he loves to smear food all over his face and hair. I think he constantly has food in his hair!

Peyton's hair is getting so long! His hair is so different from Patrick's. Patrick's is curly and thick and Peyton's is stick straight and really thin. You can tell it is starting to grow over his ears!

The weather has been cold, so we have been bundling up!

Peyton is still nursing like a champ. He doesn't drink a lot at school and instead prefers to wait for me to get home, which means he is still waking up a couple times at night. I'm hoping as he gets a little older and can eat real food this will stop, but who knows. I'm not sure what I would do with more sleep anyway, so for now it is working okay for us.

I have had so much fun watching this little boy grow! Just wish it would slow down some! Love you Peyton and can't wait to see all the new tricks you learn next month!

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