The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Monday, March 31, 2014

Peyton- 12 Months

How is my sweet little Peyton already 12 months old!?!? Time has just flown by!

Peyton is such a cuddly little guy! He really loves to give hugs and opens his mouth really big for open mouth kisses! He is really on the move and does not sit still for a minute! He is extremely curious and is always getting himself in trouble by getting into all kinds of things!

Peyton loves to play with the strangest things. At the top of his list is playing with shoes, dog bowls, phones, remote controllers and trying to get into the cleaning supplies!

We saw and ENT and an allergist this month. He continued to get ear infections and the medication did not do a single thing to make it better. I had a feeling something else was going on because he was getting ear infections without even being sick (i.e no runny nose, no cough, etc) After we met with the ENT we decided we needed to meet with an allergist to make sure that allergies were not causing anything. The appointment was really hard to watch. They pricked him in the back and then made him sit still for 30 minutes. Trying to keep a crying toddler still for 30 minutes is almost impossible!  When the doctor saw Peyton he immediately scratched his leg and it whelped up like crazy. He also touched behind his ears (which I feel like I was constantly trying to clean!) and could immediately tell that he was prone to allergies before even doing any tests.  The allergy test came back that he has a small sensitivity to dairy and a sensitivity to dog hair and dust mites.  The doctor thought he would outgrow the dairy allergy and said to give it a few more months. He said it was very possible that his eardrums were swelling because of the allergies, which was not allowing the fluid to drain properly from his ears. Unfortunately he thinks Peyton will probably have to get tubes because of his allergies. We go back to the ENT in a month, so I guess we will find out then!

Peyton has become a pickier eater and won't just eat anything anymore. He will eat most meats and some vegetables. He has decided he isn't going to eat any fruit at all anymore. We started him on almond milk last week and he loves it. He is not happy that I have decided to start and wean him. He would nurse for much longer if I would let him (and I would if Michael and I weren't going on a vacation soon :) )  I have to say that I am really proud we made it nursing (with no formula) for a year. I could barely keep up with him while working and we had no back-up supply so we were day to day which made me a little nervous. I would frequently end up pumping at 11pm at night or later to get enough to feed him the next day. It was tough, but I am glad we made it especially because of all of his allergies!

Giving his daddy hugs…just precious!

He is still waking up once a night, but eats and goes right back to bed (normally).  He goes to sleep around 8pm and then wakes up at 6:30am.  I have been bad about letting him sleep with me after he wakes up in the middle of the night.  I only have so long while they are so little and want to cuddle in the middle of the night anyway :)

He has 8 teeth and hasn't gotten any new teeth for a few months. I have a feeling they are coming soon and I am not looking forward to it!  He is constantly chewing on his hands all the time!

His hair has grown so long and it really needs to be cut, but I just can't do it! Maybe we can hold off a little while longer!

This sweet little boy is growing like crazy and I swear each day I pick him up from daycare that he has gotten taller and bigger! I really had trouble finding shoes that would fit this sweet little guy! Unfortunately, they don't make soft-soled shoes in a size big enough for him that are also extra wide. Luckily, I found some hard-soled shoes that aren't very heavy.  Although I think he is about to outgrow them after only a week of wearing them!

He has the best giggle!  It is so deep and adorable! He is trying really hard to talk, but can still only say a few things. He mostly says dada (dad and dog- which sound the same), mama, pa pa (pat pat), and boo (balloon).

Peyton, I love you so much and I have really enjoyed watching you learn and grow. You are such a blessing to this family!

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