The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Peyton- 13 Months

My sweet little Peyton is 13 months old!  I cannot believe how fast he is growing up!  I wish it would just slow down!

I seriously cannot get enough of his precious baby rolls! I could squeeze him to pieces all day long! He loves to give the biggest hugs and I adore it!! He is also such a good natured little boy. He loves to giggle and smile.

Peyton started consistently sleeping through the night this month.  He still wakes up a good amount during the night, but puts himself back to sleep within a few minutes. He goes to bed pretty consistently between 8pm and 8:30pm.  He is only taking one nap now. Some days he takes a second small cat nap. The only time he is really fussy is when he is tired or hungry.

He LOVES food.  He prefers to eat off of our plate instead of his own food.  I could put the same food chopped up into smaller pieces on his plate and he would rather take a bite of a big sandwich or whatever is on my plate. He typically follows us into the kitchen to see if we are getting a snack or a piece of candy. He goes so far as to try and reach into my mouth to eat my portion if he thinks he didn't get a big enough bite :)   He freaks out over juice boxes. I try not to give him many juice boxes, but he consistently steals Patrick's or gets really angry if Patrick won't give it to him. 

He has recently started giving me a big cheese face as you can see in the picture above.  He has 10 teeth.  He has started to try and talk and babble more.  He loves to try and repeat what I say.  He can say momma, dada, pa pa (Patrick), da (dog), and ba (ball & baby sound similar), or boo (balloon).

He desperately needs a haircut and probably could have gotten one months ago. I couldn't bring myself to cut it before his one year pictures (which I was a little late on!).

He loves to play with balls and loves to try and throw them. He also loves to be outside. He has started trying to play with Patrick's train table, but is still more interested in other toys. He loves to go down the stairs, which makes me pretty nervous!  He has really started to try and run this month, but it's still a little more like speed walking. He also loves bath time. We sing a little song for bath time and he does a little jig and then runs to the bath. It's probably the cutest thing I have ever seen and I must get it on video soon!

I love you Peyton and I am just having the best time watching you grow and learn!

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