The Mulloy's

The Mulloy's

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Quarterly Update on Patrick

It's been a while since I have done an update on my sweet little Patrick.  He is getting so big and his vocabulary is huge.  He has such a great imagination and I love to watch him play.  My favorite is when he talks to his trains and makes up these elaborate little stories when he is playing with them, it is so cute. He still has a tough time sharing with his little brother, and I think it will be something we will be working on for a while. Although he does really love him and is always asking where Peyton is. 

He LOVES school and his friends and teachers. He has a few really good friends that he talks about a lot. One is a little girl that loves to come and give him hugs and kisses when I come to pick him up, so precious!  He is also learning so much at school and really talks about everything he is learning. He is currently learning the days of the weeks and it is so precious to watch him attempt to tell me about each day. He always says that Saturday is his favorite day (me too buddy!) or stay at home nights are his favorite (i.e. when we don't go to school the next day).  Whenever I tell him its Monday and its school time, he goes "Mom, I am going to miss you so much until Saturday."  Love his precious little heart. 

His teachers have said that he is really smart for his age. They said that they still struggle with the fits (i.e. crying) sometimes, but otherwise he does great. They have circle time where everyone stands up and gets to tell something about the topic.  Most of the time, they ask something like, "What do you like to do with your family" or "What did you and your family do this weekend."  They write their responses up on the board each week and I am always so curious to see what Patrick says.  Most of the other children are not very descriptive, like I like playing with my family or I love my family, but Patrick always has the most elaborate answers! His most recent answer was that he really loves to watch movies with our family on our pallett (we don't have a couch in our playroom yet, so we lay on a bunch of blankets and pillows on the floor). He also said that his favorite movie to watch with our family is the Lorax. 

I think Patrick's all time favorite week at school was water week, and in particular Mud Day! The teachers told me he had a blast! Here are some pictures his teachers sent me:

They also had vacation bible school week:

Singing songs and dancing in the chapel

Patrick has been a great sleeper recently, although he stills goes to bed late.  He goes to bed between 9 and 9:30pm and then sleeps until 6:30 or 7am.  He has rarely been waking up in the middle of the night! yay! One of my favorite times with Patrick is the time after I put his brother to bed and it's just me and him (Michael has been working a lot lately for busy season). It's like he knows he has my undivided attention and he talks my ear off about so many things.  Especially when I lay in bed with him for a few minutes before bed time.  I love hearing about his little life at school and I hope he always wants to share it with me. 

We are still working on eating with Patrick and it is a constant struggle that I think will be in our lives for a while.  He is branching out and trying new things, so food therapy really seems to be working for him. If I had more time to reinforce it, I think he would be doing great.  It's something we are all working on as a family and I am sure we will find the happy medium that works for us!

There are so many things I could say about my sweet Patrick. In a way its great to see him getting so big and wanting to do everything independently, but it is a tough adjustment for me. He learns so much every day, that I bet his next quarterly update will be much different!  

Patrick, you have such a big heart and it's one of the things I love the most about you.  I can't wait to continue to watch you grow and learn! You are becoming such a big boy! 

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